Use your voice for Palestinian Liberation!
Join Jewish Voice for Peace Boston and our partners at events around Boston and beyond
Join Jewish Voice for Peace Boston and our partners at events around Boston and beyond
Jewish Voice for Peace Boston stands in solidarity with Harvard undergraduate Palestine Solidarity Committee, Jews for Palestine and other campus groups, in condemning the university’s use of the International Holocaust Remembrance Association (IHRA) definition of antisemitism.
"Tweets, Facebook messages, emails, and even letters can be easily discarded and ignored without much disruption to a congressional staffer’s day. But a blast of phone calls can seriously disrupt a congressional office, leading them to at least openly consider and discuss the issues you’re raising." -VOX
"Activists of all political stripes recommend calling legislators, not just emailing — and certainly not just venting on social media...A phone call from a constituent can, indeed, hold more weight than an email, and far outweighs a Facebook post or a tweet." - New York Times
Find phone numbers and call scripts to help you contact your congresspeople from MA Muslims for Justice below
As Jews and allied people of conscience, call on you to commit to not partnering with the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), to terminate any partnerships that may currently exist, and to replace any ADL-authored resources on antisemitism or racism.
As our multiracial, multi-faith movements rise in powerful solidarity with Palestinians, violent rightwing forces are going to try to divide us, attack us, and pit us against each other. Being clear and ready to defend against threats on any one of our communities is essential to staying unified, safe, and powerful.
Here’s where you come in: Add your name at the link below to demand that Amazon, Amazon Web Services, Google, and Google Cloud end all ties with Israeli apartheid and cut the Project Nimbus contract.
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